I'm a timid and shy person. And because of this I always get bullied and intimidated.

I have been bullied all of my life.
My teachers are of no help when I complain.
Friends also useless when I tell them.
How sad and pathetic my life is.
Nuffnang is currently asking: "If you were given a chance, what animal/living being superpowers would you want to get?”
So my answer is: If only, if only (stammers) I were given a chance... I would choose to be a lion.
Why? You may ask.
Well, let me tell you.
Well, let me tell you.
Do you know that when the lion roars, he creates fear and intimidation in his prey?
He can literally cause it to freeze in place because of fear. Lion will pounce on its prey and drag it away to eat. It devours and eat all of the carcase, leaving nothing behind, absolutely nothing.
Total victory is it's goal.
Total victory is it's goal.

If I were a lion, then nobody will ever dare to touch me again.
The details of the screening are as follows:-
Date: 2nd July (Monday)
Time: 9:00pm
Venue: TGV, Sunway Pyramid
How to win:
1. Just write a blog post and tell us ‘If you were given a chance, what animal/living being superpowers would you want to get?”.
2. Submit your entries in the form here and you’re done!
So Quick! Submit your entries as Spider-Man’s web is spinning fast and you must not miss catching him this July as Nuffnang is giving away 50 pairs!