The private intimacy we’re in - Certain things I can do to you. But you told me you can’t do it to me, with the excuse that you’re attached.

Oh, this is my side of love story: living and taking it like a man, always making the first move. It appears now that I’m the Romeo and you’re the Juliet - we are switching roles. To get closer to you, the first step is always from me, the seeker.
To the fellow audience that only watch from the outside, here I am, constantly considered as the bad girl, the dangerous girl, the stealer. They judge books merely by covers. Having just a glimpse, they enjoy judging and gossipping. Without knowing the whole story, they come to the final conclusions, each of their own.

I understand what you meant.....
sound so emo..T.T *hug jasmine*
Woi sister, long time no see. How are you??
i think i'm in the same situation as you :X
everyone needs some hug sometimes. *HUG*
Welcome to the horrible side of love.
Jasmine, I might not know you.
However, just cheer up.
Sometimes the world just don't see you for what you are. That's a big pity.
I like the way how you link your stories with pictures.
Take it easy gal. Human-to-human relationship is complicated and sometimes confusing too.
By the way, I think you have a real talent in writing. You write well and you're only 19? Ever consider being a writer? (^_^)
hahahahha. let's see. nah. too embarassed o.o heh. and btw, who's ai ling O.o you tagged ai ling on my blog. and i'm like O.O who's that. LOL.
i love ur last few sentences babe *hugs*
it applies well =)
Jas dear,
It does not matter on how ppl judge us and it is not possible to get everyone to understand, agree and accept us. Love is it a funny thing, it is a combination of sour, bitter, sweet & spice.... The journey of love is never a smooth one, it takes many heartbreaks to finally reach to our fated one... So each time when a relationship did not work out, dont be sad but feel happy, because you are 1 step closer to the person who is meant for u and waiting to be with you. God knows what is best for us.... *Hugz* God bless...
seriously, recently i found out that alot of emo posts ler.... =( anyway, hope everything goes well though! =D
not a bad thing to write though!! agree!! count your blessings!! wooooo =D just learn that afresh in church last week.. LOL =D
lave cake i definitely a must try.. LOL
i cant find any tagboard or haloscan :X sad case. either that or i'm blind. LOL. okay. i shall go think of ways to punish you alrd XD whee! ahahahahhahah.
Really good.
Hi darling, thanks for the recent tags. This post got me. I've been spiraling down emotionally for weeks over the same thing and eventually ended up in the clinic with 6 different meds to swallow and days paralyzed in bed. Replace this guy asap. Agonizing over him will eventually give you stomach ulcers. I know how it hurts, no one deserves to suffer this way. Know there are people out ther like you, they are fighting their best too. Best wishes. *hugs*
Heya, I kinda just stumbled here.
I don't know the whole story, and I don't know if what I'm writing is actually relevant, but the long story, short is that "he's just not that into you". If you're not his girlfriend, and you've made it clear that you would like to be, if he's still with someone else, it's because he's just not that into you. He can make up whatever excuse he likes (like someone's dying, someone's depressed or suicidal, whatever), but at the end of the day, that's the bottom line.
Like I said, I don't think if it's actually relevant right now, since you wrote the entry 2 weeks ago. But if it does strike some chord or recognition within you, then I'm glad. We've all learnt the hard way, and it kinda sucked. :)
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